no phone (1)

nothing phone (1): the company has told a lie and takes action

Let's go back to talking about the much talked about Nothing Phone (1), a super SWAG smartphone that Italian reviewers don't talk about all the time. Yup ...

nothing phone (1): early problems between green screens and dead pixels

Nothing Phone (1) debuted in Italy a few days ago. We can define it as the smartphone of the hype given the Apple-I style marketing. ...

nothing phone (1) official: a lot of marketing but also a lot of substance

Nothing Phone (1) is also official in Italy and its release is the key to understanding that the right marketing makes the difference. The hype created ...

nothing phone (1) will arrive in Italy, but there is a "but"

Nothing Phone (1) will be the most talked about smartphone of 2022 and not only for what it will offer, but also for how it will be distributed. This ...

nothing phone (1) dare: unboxing proves it wants to outdo iPhone

We said earlier that Nothing Phone (1) wants to be the new iPhone and, after today, we can confirm that it is succeeding. The first ...